, The Huawei Ideos X5 U8800 Blog: ADB /SDK

Monday, January 9, 2012


When it comes to Android modding, root in particular there is nothing better than ADB. ADB stands for android debug bridge and is a part of standard android SDK (starter development kit). As the name suggests it provides a bridge between your android device and your computer. It provides a terminal based interface for interacting with your phone's file system.

Installing ADB:
                       As ADB is a part of Android SDK you need to install SDK first. Before installing SDK you need to assure that your system need to have the following already installed
  1. Java Runtime Environment (JRE), can be downloaded here
  2. Java Development Kit (JDK), can be downloaded here (32 bit users download windows x84 version).
Once you are assured that these two components are installed, you may head to the SDK installer file, which can be downloaded here.

After installing launch Android SDK Manager, download 
  1. Android tools.
  2. Android Sdk tools.
  3. Android Platform tools. (select your vesrion of android from the list).
  4. Google usb driver package (listed under extras, if not listed check Pacakged<Show Obsolete Packages).

Setting Path Variable:
                                        After being done with the installation its time to edit path variable. Follow the given steps to get it done:
  1. Right click "My Computer", goto "Properties: and then click on" Advanced System Settings" from the left pane to bring up "System Properties" windows (Windows 7). OR
  2. Get this window by right clicking "My Computer" ans selecting "Properties". (Windows XP).
  3. In the "System Properties" window click "Environment Variables" button on the "Advanced" tab.
  4. Find "Path" in the "System Variables" section (lower half of the window), and double click on it to edit it.
  5. You are NOT are not supposed to delete the existing string or it will mess up your computer. Instead just ADD the following string to it when it ends                                                                                    ;c:\program files\android\android-sdk\tools;c:\ program files\android\android-sdk\platform-tools
  6. I again repeat to just add the following line and not edit anything in the previously present string and apply. I will advise you to create a Restore Point before doing it to be on a safer side 

You are now done with the installation of ADB

Feel Free to post comments or queries. 

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