, The Huawei Ideos X5 U8800 Blog: The Ideos X5 or U8800 Blog

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Ideos X5 or U8800 Blog

Welcome to the Huawei Ideos X5 blog. The purpose of this blog is the android development of the Ideos X5. However I will also be posting some standard android development stuff as well which will be helpful for all android users.

I few days back got myself the Ideos X5 for its sheer Value for Money appeal and the hardware it holds. But said so the software provided by the manufacturer doesn't justify it, a proper know how as to how to unleash the  hardware can make this phone too good for the price tag it holds. The unleashing process obviously involves rooting, flashing roms, etc. The processor of the device can be overclocked to as much as 1.8 Ghz and a quadrant score of about 2800 avg can be achieved. This blog will have all the right techniques done in the right way to get maximum from the device which I have tried out while I was trying to do the same with my device.


  1. Hello Alkesh,

    I just wanted to thank you for this guide. It has enabled me to work on my husbands U8800-51 from Consumer Cellular here in the US. I have a few questions:
    1. Several people have criticized the guide claiming it is only for the U8800-Pro and that if I used it I would brick my phone. I have upgraded the device from Froyo 2.2 which came with it to Aurora ICS and the phone is fully functional. Is there a difference between the 51 and U8800?
    2. Aurora ICS is a bit buggy and I was wondering if you had tried any of the other Roms for ICS and which one you recommend?
    3. The one thing on Aurora ICS that is a bit off is the WiFi, it works but very slowly. Do you know of a good patch to bring it up to speed?

    Thanking you in advance

  2. Hello Alkesh,

    I know this post started a while ago but can anyone help me with a problem. My phone wont show me the image directory on the computer when I plug it in in the pink screen mode (safe mode). I have android 2.3.5 and I've heard that's got something to do with it.

    My phone won't start it just keeps rebooting.

    I would be mega, mega grateful for any help.

